
Showing posts from December, 2017

How Volunteering in Youth Ministry Will Change Your Life

To be honest, I didn’t even plan to go into youth ministry. When I was a senior in high school, I started volunteering with the middle school group just because my friends were doing it. I soon found myself hosting sixth grade sleepovers, making comments like, “Consider me as your big sister then!”, and even stepping down from Speech and Debate, one of my favorite activities, because it conflicted with youth group. I was hooked. For the next five years, I did everything I possibly could to prepare myself to be an excellent youth minister. As I step into the next season of my life as the Assistant Youth and Preteen Director at Community of Hope Church (say that ten times fast!), I thought I would share with you all how serving in youth ministry could rock your world like it rocked mine. 1) You’ll eat far more pizza than you ever wanted to .Yes -- cheap, easy, and delicious. This is the manna of youth ministry. But don’t worry, you’ll burn off the calories in a g...

How Volunteering in Children's Ministry Will Change Your Life

Although I adore children and am basically five at heart, I never really thought I’d go into children’s ministry. I had a laser focus on youth ministry -- it was all I thought about at night and all I ever wanted to do. More than anything else, I knew I was called to youth ministry. But this past year, thanks to the Holy Spirit, Beth Locke, and Jessica Stafford, I took a “detour” from my full-steam- ahead youth ministry track.** Best detour I ever took . I stepped into the world of kids’ ministry, and although I am now transitioning into a more youth-oriented role, I know I will never be able to step out of this rushing river. Kids’ ministry has captured my heart and changed my life. As I’m reflecting on my own experience, I thought I would share with you how stepping into kids’ ministry could change YOUR life (and why you totally need to do it!):   1) You’ll have fun filled memories : Squishing play dough, running around the church on a scavenger hunt,...