God's Plan for Me?

When I was little, I thought God’s plan for me was along the lines of marrying the four-year-old I was basically in a committed relationship with, having ten kids, and becoming a missionary that told people all over the known world about Jesus.

When I was in highschool, I thought God’s plan for me was along the lines of marrying the attractive boy I had a crush on, having four kids, and becoming a kindergarten teacher or a pastor’s wife (the boy wasn’t planning on becoming a pastor, I was pretty conflicted).

When I was in college, I thought God’s plan for me was along the lines of marrying some attractive guy somewhere (since there were absolutely no potential guys in my life), having two kids, and becoming a youth pastor (why depend on the boy if what I really want is to do ministry myself?).

Now that I’m a year into my masters in divinity, I think I finally figured something out about God’s plan for my life. God’s plan for my life is to be completely single right now, to be a year into my masters in divinity right now, and to be the Assistant Children’s Director at Community of Hope right now. His plan for me was to preach to my church about how kids matter this week, to have dinner with one of my students this week, to tell my students at youth group how to handle losing the “camp high” this week.

God’s plan for me isn’t all about some future husband or kids or career… sure, that might be a part of it, but that isn’t the whole story. Because my dreams are ever changing and moving and the future is an distant as a translucent rainbow. The truth is, God’s plan for me is about what He is doing right here and right now in my life. It is about how He wants to use me every single day and in every single season.

So sure, I still would love the attractive husband, kids (somewhere in between 2 and 10), and the title “pastor” being attached to my name. But when I think about God’s plan for my life, that isn’t what I want to think about anymore. I want to think about the next words that come out of my mouth and flow into someone’s ear. The next thoughts that dart across my mind and sentences I type across a paper on Romans. Because His plan for me is being written with every heartbeat.


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