I’m addicted to stories. In particular, (as you see coming if you know me) love stories. Something fascinates me about how a couple met, what they did on their first date, how he proposed. Perhaps it is because I am still waiting for my own love story, wondering if it will look anything like theirs. Perhaps I like to hear their stories -- hoping that these stories might help me understand my own better. I’m don’t think I’m alone in this. Students will be falling asleep, but then perk up when their teacher starts telling a story. Families will gather around a campfire, then launch into a time of telling stories. Before a little girl goes to sleep, she begs her daddy to tell her a story. We are addicted to stories. And I wonder if this is intentional. I wonder if hearing the stories of others helps us understand ours too. I wonder if humanity is a part of a larger, interconnected story. Okay, I don’t just wonder this -- I believe it firmly. I’ve devote...