What NOT to Say to a Single Girl (Based on True Events)

After spending quite some time in my current state of life, I have begun to pick up on what is helpful to hear, and what is… not quite as helpful.

  1. Don’t worry, you will definitely get married. This one is the most tempting to say… but unless you are God, you cannot guarantee me anything. I mean thanks for trying, but you don’t know the future, and you have no way of knowing if that statement is true. Empty promises do nothing for me.

  1. I found my man, so you will find yours. Um… unless you are planning on introducing me to your husband’s brother, I don’t see how those two things are in any way related.

  1. I understand how you feel. Really? You’ve gone 22 years without a boyfriend? I find that highly unlikely.   

  1. So at this point, should I give up on you ever getting married and having kids? I don’t think this one even needs explanation.

  1. Any boys yet? No! Trust me, the entire universe will know when I find someone!! Okay, maybe not the whole universe. But like, don’t worry I’ll tell you.

  1. Maybe you should try flirting more. If you saw my attempt at flirting, you would not be saying this, trust me.

  1. Once you stop wanting a relationship, that’s when you’ll get one! This one is truly the mother of all horrible things to say. And a very common one, unfortunately. For one, you would be surprised at how content I already am. For two, that’s just not how it works. Beautiful, crazy-desperate girls will get a boyfriend in a heartbeat, and it is certainly is not because they stopped wanting one. And my walk with God should never involve stuffing my feelings away so that I can somehow convince the universe into getting me a man.

Alright, so now that you’ve heard the sarcasm that you didn’t know I was actually capable of (surprise!), and now that you are wondering what exactly one should say to a single girl (is anything safe?), I’ll fill you in on what I believe every single girl should be told.

Treasure this season. Chances are, you will most likely get married. Not for sure, but the odds are in your favor. But right now? You'll never get right now back. This is an awesome season where you can serve the Lord with an undivided heart, where you can recklessly pursue your passions, where you can spend endless hours laughing with girlfriends, binge watching Boy Meets World, and praying till your knees are sore. This is an awesome season, don't let it fly past you as you grudgingly wait and watch and wish for something that will probably come in it's time. Treasure this season, because you only get to do it once.


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