11 Memes About the Single Life
The great thing about being single is that literally everyone has been there. Since I consider myself a resident expert at this point, I thought I would share some memes to make you all smile and remind you that you may be single, but you are not alone! (#Iknowthatwascheesy)
I should really wait until something actually significant happens before I start telling people.
Ah yes. It's cute how I try to find hope! Probably emotionally traumatic, but cute.
Because if I'm trying to find hope in specks of dust, this will most likely happen. Should've seen that coming!
So now the only thing left to do is get over it. Easier said than done!
It's not like great people aren't out there. They are just all taken.
Yep, those flowers are definitely not for me. Celebrate with those who celebrate and rejoice with those who rejoice?
After continually going through this disappointment, it starts to feel a little like this.
And then you realize the truth! Poor guy is just lost.
But some people assume you have dated before. So, that's nice.
But somewhere in my heart, as much as I complain, I know that being single is super awesome. I have complete freedom over my schedule, my future, and my identity, and I love it!
And ultimately, I trust God with this part of my life. Looking back, most of the boys I wanted to date would have been huge mistakes. I know that He is protecting me, and in His timing I will jump into the adventure that is THE DATING LIFE. Until then, #SINGLEANDLOVINGIT.
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